15 Things I Can Do Today to Improve My Life
- Idea & Plan Execution, Commitment!
- Stop expecting others to solve my problems! I caused it, I must solve it. Start small and build momentum!
- Clean up my room. It gives positive energy.
- Cut bad foods. Reduce sugar! Balancing!
- Avoid internet algorithm. Control the time used on social media!
- Reach out to old friend.
- Be optimistic!
- Make a plan for tomorrow, and so on. Create schedule! Control my time!
- Wake up at the same hour every day. Go to bed early. Use the best time from 7 AM to 1 PM : 6 hours
- Set up a daily ANCHOR TASK., do 1 thing or more every day whatever happened. To keep grounded and focus! Keep days predictable, and knowing that you will always do something that’s good for me, regardless of whatever else happens. Use white board to track what’s important on daily basis. Don’t ever skip the task! It seat at the basis of building, good, healthy habits.
- Figure out where I spend the money. So I can control the money.
- Identify one way I can earn more.
- Identify what makes me happy and what doesn’t.
- Write 3 good things I can make happen for myself at the end of the year. It gives me a sense of purpose. Create the core tasks that I can do on a daily basis that keep me grounded on the path toward these 3 good things.
The big secret is: There’s nothing I can do tomorrow or next week or next year that will improve my life. They all happen today! Everything I do today impacts what you will do tomorrow as well.
- How I live my day is how I live my life. Life happens every day. Things I do everyday define my life. If I make today great, then today I have a great life!
- Do one thing I want to do as a kid.