Format Rencana Bisnis / Business Plan yang Baik

Sebenarnya format business plan itu terserah kepada kita, asalkan masih berisi konten yang semestinya ada di dalam business plan. Namun kali ini saya akan coba share format bisnis plan resmi dan standar internasional.

1. Brief Description of the Project
2. Brief Profile of the Entrepreneur
3. Project’s Contributions to the Economy

Section I
1.1 Description of the Product
1.2 Comparison of the Product with Its Competitors
1.3 Location
1.4 Market Area
1.5 Main Customers
1.6 Total Demand
1.7 Market Share
1.8 Selling Price
1.9 Sales Forecast
1.10 Promotional Measures
1.11 Marketing Strategy
1.12 Marketing Budget

Section 2
2.1 Production Process
2.2 Fixed Capital
2.3 Life of Fixed Capital
2.4 Maintenance and Repairs
2.5 Sources of Equipment
2.6 Planned Capacity
2.7 Future Capacity
2.8 Terms and Conditions of Purchase of Equipment 2.9 Factory Location and Layout
2.10 Raw Materials
2.11 Cost of Raw Materials
2.12 Raw Materials Availability
2.13 Labour
2.14 Cost of Labour
2.15 Labour Availability
2.16 Labour Productivity
2.17 Factory Overhead Expenses
2.18 Production Cost

Section 3
3.1 Form of Business
3.2 Organizational Structure
3.3 Business Experience and Qualifications of the Entrepreneur
3.4 Pre-Operating Activities
3.5 Pre-Operating Expenses
3.6 Office Equipment
3.7 Administrative Expenses

Section 4
4.1 Project Cost
4.2 Financing Plan and Loan Requirement
4.3 Security for Loan
4.4 Profit and Loss Statement
4.5 Cash Flow Statement
4.6 Balance Sheet
4.7 Loan Repayment Schedule
4.8 Break-even Point (BEP)
4.9 Return on Investment (ROI)
4.10 Financial Analysis BUSINESS PLAN


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