27 Hal yang Lebih Asyik dibanding “S*x”

Sebenarnya bukan soal “s*x” saja, tapi hal yang berbau itu… You know…

I hate it when s*x becoming the only thing that I am thinking of…

So here are 27 things that probably are better than s*x..

Enjoying sunset

  1. Listening to good music with a good audio device… Invest in good headphone or TWS or speaker if you can, so worth it!
  2. Watching good movies and TV series… You know there are many series that are very good…
  3. Good conversation about anything with a nice person or friends.. or just laughing..
  4. Swap stories with friends also can give you quite interesting feelings.
  5. Just hang out in silence with good friends also can be satisfying.. I still remember when my Pramuka friends and I just lying on a field in the middle of the night.. Or when my college friends and I just casually waiting the next class…
  6. Riding and driving.. This is probably not for everyone.. I myself indeed like to ride a motorcycle or drive a car, just to enjoy the roads and sceneries..
  7. Just sitting and enjoy beautiful sceneries… it can be a beach, mountains, sunrise, sunset… or just streets…enjoying silences
  8. Enjoying good drinks and foods… I love coffee and fruits… Enjoying sceneries with coffee and gorengan tempe? Ah perfect…
  9. Wearing nice clothes… You know, the feeling of wearing the perfect clothes or when you are wearing a new one, just like in Lebaran moment.. I still remember how good my feeling was…
  10. Getting a facial care and body massage… Ah… hard to describe it but clearly it feels amazing..
  11. Doing the room/ house decoration just like we dreamed.
  12. Help someone in needs with something than are not bothering us… The feeling is last longer than buying a new cloth… I guess.
  13. Move on with your life after some tragedies or unhappiness..
  14. Read a very good book… can be fiction or non…
  15. Found a nostalgic thing in your house..
  16. Enjoy the rain…
  17. Sleep… even more enjoyable; sleep while still raining..
  18. Sleep in a hotel… with the large glass windows and raining outside..
  19. Enjoying new places while traveling.
  20. The feeling after doing exercise and playing sports…

    Better than s*x
    Better than s*x JPG Format
  21. The moment of being with children and family…
  22. The moment of only you and GOD…
  23. The feeling after finally mastering the skill you dreamed of.
  24. The moment of goal achievement…
  25. Experiencing the unexpected amazing moment..
  26. Finishing the task you said will be finished a couple weeks ago…
  27. Silence… and nothingness….

aktivitas yang asyik

Gw emang aneh.. sering bikin judul bahasa Inggris malah isinya bahasa Indonesia… juga kebalikannya… judul Indonesia, isinya English… :cd

Tapi yaudah gpp…

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